I'd like to start by letting you know
that I love you very much. (And we love him very much too!)
We played basketball with the YSA Elders
this morning, and I am super tired. Needless to say, missions make you
tired all the time. I also think my medication makes me drowsy, which
makes it even harder. Speaking of medication, Sister Brown told me that
they don't want the missionaries receiving medication in the mail. I went
to the Kaiser in Loveland, and they transferred my medication to the
one in Fort Collins, who informed me that insurance was not going to pay
for it because CR Paroxetine is a unique prescription which Doctor
Arora had to get permission to prescribe me, and would only be covered
in California. (Of course! Nothing with Andrew is ever normal. He has some anxiety, so he takes that to help him.) So, it would be a one hundred dollar payment. (WHAT???) I'm going
to be going in to see a doctor to get a prescription here in Colorado.
(Good plan, elder or your mother might need to take it!)
Speaking of Fort Collins, I'm afraid Elder Campbell is not in the Fort
Collins zone. He could be in the portion of Fort Collins that the
Loveland Stake covers, though! (Maybe so...he's somewhere in Fort Collins. This is another Elder Campbell who used to live in Elk Grove, CA).
I think it would be super fun for you to
get a dog. But, I guess that is your executive decision. It takes a dog
with a really good heart to put up with Snowball and Katrina. (We had a chance to foster a dog, but I'm just not ready for that commitment right now)
(One of our sister missionaries wants to major in Commercial Music, just like Elder Campbell. But she's going to attend Utah State and they don't have a major yet.) Tell
Sister Beck to keep going! If she wants to transfer, she could consider
Snow College in Utah. Apparently they have one of the best music
programs in the nation. She could also choose BYU, where I hopefully
will be an accepted Commercial Music Major in a few months! (Hope! Hope!)
It's time for a gratuitous paragraph break! Elder Sewell is from
Citrus Heights. I truly don't know if we're related. He's really cool
though. I did get your postcard from Disney World, thank you for that! I
get letters of encouragement from some different families. It's always
fun when I get one. (On his bank statement, he spent most of his money at Walmart, so I wondered what kind of gift card he might like to receive.) I think I would like a Subway gift card. Most of my
Walmart expenses are going through my MSF card. (I told him about my weird missionary dreams I had this past week. Andrew was moving into an apartment at BYU and Peter was getting married!!!!) I wonder if Peter will
get married before I'm home? He had better keep me updated!
This week, Michael, the investigator I've told you about, continued his
interest, dropped investigations, then changed his mind. He came to
church on Sunday, and he is coming with us to see a baptism in Cheyenne on Saturday. We're so excited! We also saw Elder Bednar on Friday.
He came and spoke at our mission conference. (Lucky ducky!) He spoke of the importance
of action. He said praying at the end of Sacrament meeting that "those
who were not here this week will be here next week" is a completely
faithless act, unless that person exerts real effort to go to less
actives and help them return. It made me think hard about what we pray
for. Well, I should be going, and hope you have a lovely week!
Elder Andrew Campbell

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