(He later wrote that he received his Thanksgiving package....so I guess Longmont worked even though he told me Firestone!)
Mother and Father,
Mail labeled as both Firestone and Longmont have arrived here, so I think the mail will arrive here. (And it did!!)
Mail labeled as both Firestone and Longmont have arrived here, so I think the mail will arrive here. (And it did!!)
The Bundy family (of no relation to Ted) (thank goodness!) has signed up to feed us for Thanksgiving. The ward has a Turkey Bowl, but we will see if President Brown allows us to participate. (My guess is...NO!)
Elder Johnson and I will be performing an arrangement of "My Shepherd Will Supply My Need". It's a hymn we found in the Ensign. Elder Johnson made his own arrangement. It's really good. He has an incredibly deep understanding of music. He also has perfect pitch. We have Sister Parker in the ward playing the piano, and we will sing. (Wish I could hear it)
This past week we had a very powerful DLC (District Leader Council). Do you remember the days before my mission, when I found the emails home of an elder in this mission. Well, that was Elder Buchanan, and he is a zone leader here for his last transfer. He wants to make this transfer a special one. We have set some lofty goals, and we committed to do a lot more tracting. We are doing it as an exercise of our faith, and praying for an increase in finding in all categories
of the work. Tracting is not my favorite thing, but we are laying our natural desires down as a sacrifice. We have a new ward mission leader and he is incredibly dedicated to the work. He is trying hard to get the members of this ward invested in their duty to do missionary work. Our ward has been family mission planned out of their minds, and none of it has worked, so we are going to simplify things considerably. We plan on going to families and giving them specific commitments. We have no idea what we are doing, but whatever it is, it is going to happen. (I really like the part about not having an idea of what they are doing...that always works for me!)
We had our first snow this week. It melted off the roads rather quickly. I know last year it had snowed just before I arrived, and didn't snow again until Christmas. I would like that to happen again, personally. It has been cold on occasion, but I feel that this, as my third year in ridiculous cold, is the year where I have gotten acclimated. It hasn't bothered me as much as it should have. (Glad to hear that!).
Could I get Elder Hampton's email? (Anyone out there have it?) I am glad to hear about Colin Anderson as well.
Elder Andrew Campbell
PS: I got your package. The pants fit great! Thank you so much!
PS: I woke up with a strong desire to get a new coat today for the coming
winter. We went to Ross and I fell in love with one. It is quite dressy. The zone leaders and Elder Johnson have been on my case about how I keep too much money on my person, so I used a bit of it.(I wonder how much??? If it was at Ross, it's not that much!) I am also wearing my new pants!
winter. We went to Ross and I fell in love with one. It is quite dressy. The zone leaders and Elder Johnson have been on my case about how I keep too much money on my person, so I used a bit of it.(I wonder how much??? If it was at Ross, it's not that much!) I am also wearing my new pants!
(I'll attach his Campbell Clan picture which I want to use for our Christmas card and the picture of his dressy new coat. Sure doesn't look very warm to me. I love this picture. The tree in the back of his head makes his hair look kind of funny!) 

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