(I think I might do bullet points or at least numerical points, I got a lot of answers to them!!)
Mother and Father,
I will delve right into your bullet points...well numerical points of information.
1. I got the CD and I love it, love it, love it!!

Elder Pember loves it too. We play it in the car. I just wish I could play the full production on one CD, but it is great nonetheless.
2. I had no idea Al Fox Carraway moved to Arizona. She is back where I thought she was anyway. Regardless of her location, I still love her. Which she knows because I so tactfully told her on that fateful day. (He met her once and told her that he loved her. So funny!!)
3. I am sorry that I have no idea who Sister Vanover is. I wish her family the best and will keep them in my prayers. (She is a lady in our ward who passed away last Saturday.)
4. The truth is...you are both right! There are four wards in the city of Broomfield. Two are in the Fort Collins mission, and two in the Denver North Mission. (I posted that Elder Johnson was transferring to Broomfield and a lady informed me that it was in the Denver North Mission.
5. For this week's Bible Study...nobody came! Our flyers are up in more public places though! I pray that someone will come this week. (The members need to step up and support it!)
6. That is true. I have to remind myself that Psychology is a science, and I don't see myself excelling at or enjoying science classes for a long time.
7. I have gotten better at bowling. I am still nowhere near good. I think my best score was 98. My back has been performing well. Penetrex and Deep Blue treat it very well. (Yay!) I have been having fewer allergy days lately. When the congestion comes on, a hard a shot of Flonase clears it up quite fast. I graduated from therapy on Friday! My anxiety levels dropped from 97 when I first met Brother Jacobs to 50 on Friday. (Another YAY!) He says I have made an excellent turn around. He attributes it to my obedience and my willingness to apply what he recommends. Apparently most missionaries don't do what he asks them to do. He was actually really shocked when I had completed all of my "homework". (He doesn't know our Andrew very well.) What we talked about this week is continuing practices of mental health. His two main recommendations were first to get someone you are close to and report to them somewhat regularly on your mental status. A lot of people fear ending therapy because they will no longer have a boss to report to. (I wonder who he chose??) The other one is called a personal experiment. The
challenge is to apply what we learn in Alma 32 and try things that make us uncomfortable for a short period of time and analyze the fruits of them. Like a true experiment, we can't give up after one day because we didn't like it. We have to march on through the established period of time to get the results. As we do this we will see our mental capability improving and we will not stagnate, which stagnation makes us run the risk of losing what we have already gained.
8. (I wondered how his losing weight adventure was going.) I don't know quite yet. The past two days my shirts have been feeling looser around my neck. I don't have a scale so I can't really track it. Carbohydrates are easy energy, and that is why our body loves them so much. I found a really good snack cracker called Flackers at Esh's. They have one net gram of carbs per serving. They have a ton of fiber and protein. They are literally just flax seeds
stuck together with tasty stuff like basil and I think some garlic. (Sound yummy!) They are pretty good. They're from the brand Doctor in the Kitchen if you want to check them out.
9. (Here's a rundown on his Book of Mormon studies....) This week I learned: We can receive our righteous desires through faithfulness, The Messiah will be born of a virgin. The Love of God is the most desirable thing of all, Christ's mortality is known as the condescension of God, Twelve others will follow him, He will perform miracles, He will die on a cross for the sins of the World, those who oppose the twelve apostles will be destroyed, Christ will come to the Land of Promise, and the Devil seeks to tempt, blind, and harden us.
10. (This was the one point I was really eager to find out about. That's why I waited to ask it until the end.) Elder Pember is great. In his own words, he hasn't done well so far on his mission, and wants to be better. He is so open to working hard and I love it. He is from La Verne, California, and he has I
think it's seven sisters and one brother. (WOW!) He entered the MTC in July.
He was involved in Western re-enactments before his mission. He also loves the Denver Broncos. After his mission he wants to start a private security firm. It was actually from learning about Porter Rockwell from a Western re-enactment friend of his that got him going back to church as a teenager. He wants to be a bodyguard for the Prophet one day. (There you go!) He really likes Mexican Food. I took him to Cafe Rio for the first time and he really liked it. His favorite color is pink, and he used to have a cocoa allergy so he doesn't really like candy. He does like stuff with toffee and peanuts, but no chocolate. (I guess I'll send even less candy in the Valentine's package.)
Brother Ashby told us he had new neighbors, but he didn't think they were very promising. He said we could go talk to them if we wanted. We left his house a little after nine and saw the wife Dani outside, and Elder Pember said, "Let's go talk to her." I was more in the mood of going home and going to bed, but he walked over there anyway. We talked for a bit and she became a new investigator just like that! She said she is a Christian but fears that she isn't close enough to Christ, and when he comes again, which she knows is soon, she won't be ready. She is now reading the Book of Mormon and praying to know if this is the church she should join to follow Christ. (Awesome! Possum!) I am grateful for a strong companion.
Elder Andrew Campbell
I will delve right into your bullet points...well numerical points of information.
1. I got the CD and I love it, love it, love it!!
2. I had no idea Al Fox Carraway moved to Arizona. She is back where I thought she was anyway. Regardless of her location, I still love her. Which she knows because I so tactfully told her on that fateful day. (He met her once and told her that he loved her. So funny!!)
3. I am sorry that I have no idea who Sister Vanover is. I wish her family the best and will keep them in my prayers. (She is a lady in our ward who passed away last Saturday.)
4. The truth is...you are both right! There are four wards in the city of Broomfield. Two are in the Fort Collins mission, and two in the Denver North Mission. (I posted that Elder Johnson was transferring to Broomfield and a lady informed me that it was in the Denver North Mission.
5. For this week's Bible Study...nobody came! Our flyers are up in more public places though! I pray that someone will come this week. (The members need to step up and support it!)
6. That is true. I have to remind myself that Psychology is a science, and I don't see myself excelling at or enjoying science classes for a long time.
7. I have gotten better at bowling. I am still nowhere near good. I think my best score was 98. My back has been performing well. Penetrex and Deep Blue treat it very well. (Yay!) I have been having fewer allergy days lately. When the congestion comes on, a hard a shot of Flonase clears it up quite fast. I graduated from therapy on Friday! My anxiety levels dropped from 97 when I first met Brother Jacobs to 50 on Friday. (Another YAY!) He says I have made an excellent turn around. He attributes it to my obedience and my willingness to apply what he recommends. Apparently most missionaries don't do what he asks them to do. He was actually really shocked when I had completed all of my "homework". (He doesn't know our Andrew very well.) What we talked about this week is continuing practices of mental health. His two main recommendations were first to get someone you are close to and report to them somewhat regularly on your mental status. A lot of people fear ending therapy because they will no longer have a boss to report to. (I wonder who he chose??) The other one is called a personal experiment. The
challenge is to apply what we learn in Alma 32 and try things that make us uncomfortable for a short period of time and analyze the fruits of them. Like a true experiment, we can't give up after one day because we didn't like it. We have to march on through the established period of time to get the results. As we do this we will see our mental capability improving and we will not stagnate, which stagnation makes us run the risk of losing what we have already gained.
8. (I wondered how his losing weight adventure was going.) I don't know quite yet. The past two days my shirts have been feeling looser around my neck. I don't have a scale so I can't really track it. Carbohydrates are easy energy, and that is why our body loves them so much. I found a really good snack cracker called Flackers at Esh's. They have one net gram of carbs per serving. They have a ton of fiber and protein. They are literally just flax seeds
stuck together with tasty stuff like basil and I think some garlic. (Sound yummy!) They are pretty good. They're from the brand Doctor in the Kitchen if you want to check them out.
9. (Here's a rundown on his Book of Mormon studies....) This week I learned: We can receive our righteous desires through faithfulness, The Messiah will be born of a virgin. The Love of God is the most desirable thing of all, Christ's mortality is known as the condescension of God, Twelve others will follow him, He will perform miracles, He will die on a cross for the sins of the World, those who oppose the twelve apostles will be destroyed, Christ will come to the Land of Promise, and the Devil seeks to tempt, blind, and harden us.
10. (This was the one point I was really eager to find out about. That's why I waited to ask it until the end.) Elder Pember is great. In his own words, he hasn't done well so far on his mission, and wants to be better. He is so open to working hard and I love it. He is from La Verne, California, and he has I
think it's seven sisters and one brother. (WOW!) He entered the MTC in July.
He was involved in Western re-enactments before his mission. He also loves the Denver Broncos. After his mission he wants to start a private security firm. It was actually from learning about Porter Rockwell from a Western re-enactment friend of his that got him going back to church as a teenager. He wants to be a bodyguard for the Prophet one day. (There you go!) He really likes Mexican Food. I took him to Cafe Rio for the first time and he really liked it. His favorite color is pink, and he used to have a cocoa allergy so he doesn't really like candy. He does like stuff with toffee and peanuts, but no chocolate. (I guess I'll send even less candy in the Valentine's package.)
Brother Ashby told us he had new neighbors, but he didn't think they were very promising. He said we could go talk to them if we wanted. We left his house a little after nine and saw the wife Dani outside, and Elder Pember said, "Let's go talk to her." I was more in the mood of going home and going to bed, but he walked over there anyway. We talked for a bit and she became a new investigator just like that! She said she is a Christian but fears that she isn't close enough to Christ, and when he comes again, which she knows is soon, she won't be ready. She is now reading the Book of Mormon and praying to know if this is the church she should join to follow Christ. (Awesome! Possum!) I am grateful for a strong companion.
Elder Andrew Campbell

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