probably a good thing this is a holiday...it's taken me forever to try
to get this letter composed. My email provider has me using a new email
and I don't know what I'm doing!!! So I've had to add everyone one by
one and I probably missed some people and added people who would rather
not be added. I apologize. I hope I figure this out in time. Then my
missionary starts his letter off saying he didn't get a letter from me. I
wrote one last night and it was sent at 7:35 pm....where did it go??? I
might have to switch to gmail. Enjoy our new iPad
missionary's email this week!)
Oh dear, I don't
seem to have an email from you. We will have to make due without one.
Some pretty exciting things happened this week. There's a Brother
Mierzejewsky in the ward who the ward believes has no interest in the
church at this time. But we stopped by this week, and he bore his
testimony and I gave him a Book of Mormon and he committed to reading
it. He's excited by the prospect of his deceased daughter receiving a
proxy baptism in the temple. Then there was the iPad conference, which I
will tell you about later.
Tricia took us out to a really good
pizza place, and then we helped her get her apartment fixed up so she
can take on a roommate. That was when you received that picture. Send a
text introducing yourself to her!) (I did!)
Saturday we did a lot of planning and got our iPads set up. Elder Pope's is partially not working. He can't download apps.
wrote a new arrangement to "All Creatures of Our God And King" on the
piano and played it it as a special musical number during sacrament
meeting. Then I got a call on Saturday asking me to give a talk as well.
So I gave a talk on the steps of the gospel of Jesus Christ and why we
need it. I really enjoyed both of them, and I think the ward loved it.
Sister King said that the song made her feel like she was walking
through a forest.
Okay, so the big news? Yes, I am sending this
from my very own iPad. It is an iPad Mini Two. Elder Nelson of the
Seventy, the one who gave the talk about his sister who left the church
and came back during general conference, came and presented the
conference to us on Friday. It was mainly about how we need to make
smart decisions while we use our iPads. I'll admit that having every
single church resource at the tip of my fingers is a bit distracting.
There is so much I want to read. Though they were talking about some
more insidious distractions! The mission will be going paperless over
the next month as we transfer our area books to the cloud. They will
stop producing planners for us as well. In a month or so we will begin
Facebook proselyting. We've already began using videos during teaching
and online materials during studies. What did they not mention? Payment.
Someone said that my home ward was going to be billed? Also, I'm
allowed to check my email every night, so if you want to send me
messages during the week, I can read them.(WAHOOOO!!!) Typing on this is really easy! It's making for longer letters!
Well, I'm going to work on getting you some pictures now.
Love, Elder Andrew Campbell
I'll attach the picture that Tricia sent us and the picture of him with his new iPad Mini 2!
I'm Andrew Campbell. Follow me on my mission to Fort Collins Colorado and the surrounding areas.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Monday, May 18, 2015
Boulder, Nederland and Superior!!
(Sounds like our missionary is happy, happy in
Boulder. I'm so glad. It' sounds like a BEAUTIFUL place. We'll have to
go on a road trip sometime after he gets home.)
Good day,
Good day,
I am writing to you today from the
beautiful Boulder City library. It is really big, and much nicer than
the main library in Fort Collins. I'm also going to make the comment
that Boulder is a beautiful city. The Flatirons are gorgeous. We also
cover a town called Nederland up in the mountains, and it is such a
pretty place. Boulder isn't the heathen wasteland that everyone told me
it was going to be (I wonder who told him that???!!), especially since I work with older people. Everyone
is either a scientist, a professor, a programmer, or some other big name
career. Ball Aerospace is located here and apparently it's a pretty big
deal. There are also some really big meteorology stations here. (My brother would love that!! He's a meteorologist!!) In
other words, I'm surrounded by money, and some really nice people!
Sister McD found me and gave me my journal. I even wrote in it
last night! I hope you're proud of me. (I am very proud that he wrote
in his journal. And I'm super grateful for Sis. McD. How sweet
that she would give him a missionary journal as a welcome present from
her family.) Want to know a way in which you
won't be proud of me? I forgot to take pictures...I wish I had, but
we've just been so busy. (Luckily Sis. McD sent a picture, so I've attached that. It's of Elder Campbell with his new companion, Elder Pope.) We don't live in a cabin anymore. We live in the
home of the R family in South Boulder. It's a really nice home and
they have a piano, so I approve. We are supposedly moving soon, so who
knows where we'll end up. (So, do we send him a package or wait??? Decisions, decisions!) We also cover half of the city of Superior.
It's full of young families that commute to Denver for work. It is also
VERY wealthy but it is very different from Boulder. I've not yet
actually been to the campus, but I have been to the institute, so that's
(I asked him who I should pray for.) Let's see, F M is in great need of prayer.
We also have a recent convert named T who got baptized a few weeks
ago. She is an attorney and she is awesome. She is going through a rough
time, and her family hates the church, so she needs prayer as well. The
investigators I've met are T and Sister P. They are both so
nice, but I'm a little worried about how they are going to progress from
where they are. So, prayers are in order! (I think I'd better make a list.)
Elder Pope is
from Orange County. I don't recall what town. I feel like everyone from
Orange County just says Orange County. He is 22 and studied Computer
Science at Cal-Sate Fullerton before he went on his mission. He's been
on his mission for 18 months and is the district leader. He has a
younger brother that left on a mission at the same time as him, and his
family returned to church activity about 3 years ago. Also, his father
is not a member of the church. (From his picture, he is TALL!!)
As far as the weather goes,
it rains and it thunders every day. We were driving up to Nederland, and
it hailed a ridiculous amount on us. There's also a lot of sun, but
that's the kicker: it rains out of the clear blue sky here. You know when it
rains on a sunny day and you look up to see the dark cloud above you?
Well, you don't need dark clouds here, because water will fall from the
clear sky. It's a little scary sometimes.
(My sister and her husband are here for a week. They and my brother, Dirk, were cleaning out my parent's garage today.) I will pray for everyone clearing out Grandma and Grandpa's garage. They are truly going to need it.
(My sister and her husband are here for a week. They and my brother, Dirk, were cleaning out my parent's garage today.) I will pray for everyone clearing out Grandma and Grandpa's garage. They are truly going to need it.
(Last week Elder Campbell sent pictures but I didn't know who the mystery people were.) Those were pictures of me with Brother L and his
mother-in-law Sister U. It turns out the L's used to live in
this ward and are really missed. (What a small world we live in.)
Elder Andrew Campbell
Monday, May 11, 2015
Boulder, CO....Here Elder Campbell comes!
I just tell you how FUN it was to Skype with our missionary on Mother's
Day???!!!! I wasn't even sad when we talked. I'm 'just so proud of him
and the great job he's doing as a missionary. He's being
transferred...TODAY! He's heading to Boulder, CO and will be serving in
the Flatirons Ward with Elder Pope. Can't wait to hear the exciting new
adventures he'll have!)
Mother and Father,
Mother and Father,
I'm writing you from...Fort
Collins, Colorado! We haven't left for Boulder yet. The plan is to
email, eat at Cafe Rio, then head out. (Really? Eat at Cafe Rio?? HA!) I don't have a whole lot of time,
so I want to give you some highlights for the week.
I went on exchanges to the YSA (Young Single Adult) Ward with Elder C. He has this
little game where you fling a wooden basketball into the hoop. I beat
him! Thanks for the practice Dad!
2. We had a
zone meeting to finish the transfer. I played an arrangement of God
Speed The Right that I wrote a few weeks ago. There was no other musical
number planned, so it was a lot of fun.
3. While I was off in the YSA ward, the elders in Parkwood found some new investigators, so they have more people to teach!
was never able to get a journal. It would be a really nice thing for me
to get, and I've used about half of the supplement pills left. I don't
know if Boulder has a Kaiser, and it's about an hour from the mission
office. We're closer to Denver than anything else. All I can say about your trip
is that you should go see the Washington DC temple. It's a beautiful
one. (These are all just answers to questions I wrote in his letter from us.)
All right! Pray for me in my Boulder adventures!
All right! Pray for me in my Boulder adventures!
Elder Andrew Campbell
are some mystery pictures. Actually, the family one came via text with a
nice note saying, "Thanks for sharing your son with us!" However, the
other two are two very nice people from Fort Collins. Maybe I can get
him to tell me in his next email.)
Monday, May 4, 2015
Cafe Rio AND Marriage!!??
(The things my missionary thinks about just makes me LAUGH!! Enjoy!)
Mother and Father,
Mother and Father,
First of all, I just want to
make it known that I went running this morning.(WOW!!) Last week I didn't
notice the difference, but this week I certainly have. Those Mito2Max
supplements are really working. I just feel like I have so much more
energy throughout the day. It's helping me get the energy I need to keep
This week was rough. We really had nothing
going for us. I think every appointment fell through except one. I will,
however, give you some highlights.
1. We finished P-Day last
week with a foosball tournament at the Institute building. The YSA
Elders are seasoned pros at this point, so I was torn asunder by them.
It was fun nonetheless.
2. Brother T, who is not a member, but his wife is, bought us lunch on Saturday.
I got a steak burrito at Cafe Rio, and it was amazing. I've made the
decision that I want Cafe Rio to cater my wedding. I think it's my
favorite place to eat. I wanted to be sealed at the Oakland Temple, but I
may need to change that to a temple closer to a Cafe Rio. (I'm not sure what to even comment on this. I just laughed!)
3. I
went on exchanges with our Zone Leader Elder S. He's a really
great elder from Twin Falls, Idaho. His decision to serve a mission was a
hard one. (I'm friends with his mom on the Fort Collins Mission FB website.)
4. We had ONE appointment not fall through. M is
a spiritual giant, and I can only wish that I could get to his level.
The first thing he told me was that I shouldn't worry about what I was
going to say, because he was going to take it to the Lord after our
lesson, and God would reveal the truth to him. He has a very real
relationship with our Father in Heaven. He also said that the teachings
we brought ringed very true in the logical and emotional sides of him,
and he just needs a spiritual confirmation. Elder M predicts that
he is going to be a general authority in a few years.
5. Moroni Books is closed on Mondays.... (Not a highlight!) (Guess I'll need to get that boy a journal!)
Brother L gave me a book called "Five Classics by Truman G.
Madsen" He wants me to read an essay called "Eternal Man" and President
Brown gave me permission. I've read a bit so far, and it is amazing. I
don't think mankind is ready to accept that we have always existed, and
always will exist. There is no end to us, but there was also no
beginning. (Andrew LOVES this kind of stuff.)
For some ridiculous reason, I've
been thinking a lot about marriage this week, and not just the food
that's going to be served at it.(Do I freak out, yet????!!!!) Just about how I want my mission to
get me ready for marriage, and what kind of husband/father I want to be. Here is what
True to the Faith says about preparing for marriage: "If you are single, prepare yourself carefully for marriage. Remember that there is no substitute for marrying in the temple. Prepare to marry the rig ht person in the right place at the right time. Live worthy now of the kind of person you hope to marry... Look for a companion of your own faith. Look for someone you can always honor and respect, someone who will complementyou in your life. Before you marry, be sure you have found someone to whom youcan give your entire heart, your entire love, your entire allegiance, your entire loyalty." The only way you'd be breaking the commandments would be by avoiding marriage, and ultimately never marrying.
Peter needs to make money to get ready for marriage, so go Peter! (How about Peter needs to make money to help pay for SCHOOL??!!)
I just talked to Elder M, and we decided that 6pm
my time would be a good time to Skype.(Next Sunday is Mother's Day
and we get to talk to each other. That will be a great time because the
grandparents will be over at our house. YEAH!!) I'll talk to the E's and I'll
have Sister E send you any additional information.
I'll keep up the supplements. I feel so healthy. Read Proverbs Chapter 15 this week. It's a good one! (I've put it on my to-do list!)
I'll keep up the supplements. I feel so healthy. Read Proverbs Chapter 15 this week. It's a good one! (I've put it on my to-do list!)
Elder Andrew Campbell
P.S. Here's a district photo. I should know transfer info when we Skype! (I've
added two pictures that were sent to my phone this week. I have no idea
who sent them. They are of Elder Campbell and Elder M!)
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