Mother and Father,
I don't know why, but your message made me really joyful today. My companions went to the temple on Friday,
so they had to forfeit their Preparation Day today. As a result, I get
to spend the day with our lovely zone leaders, Elder Carlson and Elder
Winter. I seriously love spending time with these elders. I got to spend
with them as well, and it just makes me so happy. We're planning on
hiking Horsetooth (here's a link: ) today and I'm really excited. My camera ran out of
battery, but I'll be sure to get them to take a lot of pictures. (He'd better get batteries!!)
In my first few weeks here, we helped a less-active member named
Brother B. He was a nuclear scientist, and he's working on his PhD in
Computer Science. We talked a lot, and he really liked me. He makes
motorized bicycles for a living, and he has a lot of nice bicycles
laying around. His wife is too ill to ride hers anymore, so he gave it
to me. It's a nice bike, so it has potential of coming home with me. (I wondered where he'd gotten the bike he rode last week that got a flat tire. NICE!)
Michael told us that he was disgusted with the church, and that we
should only meet again if we were ready to have our faith shaken by what
he had to share with us. I showed up and Brother L. had been
there talking to him for a while. He readily accepted what we had to
share, and his only worry was that the church is too sanctified and he
isn't worthy to join. He sent us a message yesterday that he'd decided
to not get baptized. I can't say that I understand his actions, but he
will come around eventually. (I'll keep praying for him.)
We too have an investigator
whose main problem is the Word of Wisdom. His name is Ron, and he has a
hard time getting the drive to do anything, especially to stop smoking.
It's hard for me to understand because it's the complete opposite of how
I do things, but whether I like it or not, it's still a present
problem. This is why we have the Atonement. (Yes, and thank goodness for that!)
This whole
transfer, it seems that everyone has been poised for what comes next
transfer. Almost like this transfer was a stop-over, and we're just
waiting for the next one. Probably not the most effective way to be a
missionary. In truth, I think I'm going to be a trainer. The new
missionaries have a lot of garbage thrown their way, and I think that I
can help them to be actual missionaries. (It will be fun to see if he goes anywhere new and who his companion will be!)
I have a ton of money on my
Missionary Support Fund card because you taught me how to live frugally. (YEAH...nice to hear I taught him something useful!)
I'm seriously worried for how some of these missionaries are going to
live their lives if they keep up these spending habits. It's really
frightening. (I would guess they'll live their lives in debt. Scary!) The tithing slip has been delivered to Sister U. Sister
L. says she hopes I realize how much I am loved by her family. I
certainly love her family. Molly is too kind. I remember working with
her very fondly; what a beautiful voice. I'm excited for her, and I
would love to work with her again. It's good to know that some
opportunities will be waiting for me.
(I sent him Peter's story about his hurt back.) Peter is my hero. I
would probably have given up if I were in his situation, or at least
used it as an excuse to sleep in for longer. Which reminds me! In our
Adjusting to Missionary Life booklet, it suggests that if you have a
hard time getting up and exercising in the morning (i.e.ME!),
you should get up and march around to approved music. Needless to say,
the book gets a lot of ridicule from the missionaries. This morning
however, Elder Winter jumped out of bed and started marching. No matter
how ridiculous it was, we all started marching to the Mormon Tabernacle
Choir. It was more fun than it should have been, and the downstairs
neighbors probably hate us. Elder Winter is a hero of mine. He's
incredibly talented, and plans on studying Music Production at UVU.
We've made plans to make some post-rock music after our missions. More
than likely he's going to be called to become AP this week. He will be
the best Assistant the President has ever had. (I think Elder Winter
is my hero, too! I would love to have been a fly on that apartment's
wall seeing them marching to Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Maybe that's what I
should start doing! I can march!!)
Well, I had better get going, but I love you very much and will do better to pray for you this week.
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