Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Laramie has no Cafe makes me quite sad!

Elder Campbell has been transferred to Laramie, WY! He's serving in the Ridge View Ward and people are already taking good care of him. Please keep him in your prayers. Change is hard, sometimes!)

Dear Mother and Father,

   (I received the nicest email from Sister S. She fed the missionaries on Friday night. She fed them breakfast. She loves to come up with themes for dinner. I accidentally told him the next month's theme! Ooops!) Sister S's favorite part of the themes is having the missionaries guess what it is! You've given it away!

   (I got his address from Sis. S but she didn't tell me his apartment address.) My apartment number is #6.

   (We connected to an old friend. The Shumways were from Stockton and Norm Shumway was our Congressman for a while. His daughter, Jenny, lives in Andrew's ward. We are now friends on FB!) When I told the W's that I was from Lodi, they were so happy. Our investigator is L who is from Peru. Her boyfriend back home is a member, and I think she'll be getting baptized soon.
  (A former student of mine lives in Laramie, also. I am hoping that she and he can get together!!) I remember Amy A. from when she was your student and you loved her so much. I am excited to hear from her. In our area we do not have a car and Elder Navarro does not have a bike, so we hoof it everywhere. (Well, that's good exercise!!)
   Our ward is an interesting dynamic of young married students and older families where a parent is a professor. Our apartment is...ok. Missionaries have lived there for a while. It needs some cleaning. (So get cleaning!) There is an awesome woman where several missionaries drop off their laundry and she does it during p-day. (Are you kidding? What a wonderful woman!!) There is not Café Rio (I'm sure he'll survive!!). It makes me quite sad.

   Pray for L...pray for me.


Elder Andrew Campbell

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